It has finally warmed to an acceptably Spring-like temperature, and it is glorious! We have had a couple days in the lower 60s, but as of now, there are no highs into the 70s in the 10 day forecast yet, but I'm optimistic we'll see 70 in the next couple weeks.
I have to admit March was long. We had a cute little toddler constantly requesting, "Outside?" while it was still quite chilly and covered with snow that prevented her little legs from running around.
Here is our first hint that gardening time is just around the corner. The snow receded by mid-late March.
And these signs gave me so much hope I would be digging in the dirt soon:
a robin! |
allium shoots |
Violas, which I planted hoping they would reseed themselves and become a permanent part of the garden. Didn't expect there to be blossoms the second the snow receded! |
Then the real gloriousness began, with the first days in the 60s falling on a weekend; real garden chores could be started, clearing out the old perennial foliage, weeding the creeping charlie from around the garden border, and moving some bulbs into pots, which I was so happy to see were sprouting beneath the dirt, so Mike could slope the front of the house.
tulips |
violas |
first of the crocuses |
first of the bulbs |
There were a couple surprises: trying to move some sedum and hostas, and hitting frozen ground 4 inches down in a shady spot next to the house, and an April snow.
I learned to appreciate the prolonged winter chill when I learned that the early Spring, before it warms, is the only time the maple sap flows, and Mike put that to good use by tapping 8 of our maples, a few of which yielded enough sap to make over 2 gallons of maple syrup.
And now, the buds on the maples have swelled and the syrup-making is done, Mike is transplanting more and more of his little seedlings into larger pots, he is getting his garden ready to be tilled into an even bigger plot, and we are having enough warm days where we're starting to expect nice afternoons outside with only long sleeves or light jackets.
seedlings starting to harden off |
heirloom tomatoes |
the river has finally thawed! |
And finally, I leave you with a video that exemplifies our excitement at finally seeing some nature after months of looking at the frozen, sleeping outdoors:
A bug!