This warm winter we are having is fantastic. The past 2 days, with temps above freezing, I've pulled kids around the yard in a sled while thinking about what I want to plant come Spring. Very exciting! But a little dissatisfying knowing that we still have a couple months of snow and then another month at least until things are thawed enough to do much. At least that's what I'm expecting.
So, to satisfy my desire to actually get something accomplished with my new found hobby time, I've still been working on my scrapbooks! I'm so excited about my 2016 album for which I have the Live Brightly and Lucky Charm value kits from Becky Higgins. I'm working on doing a month-style project life album for this year, so I'm waiting to get my January photos printed before I start.
So while I wait, I've been finishing up my 2nd child's baby album, my 2014 and 2015 family albums, and a vacation album from before we had kids. Do you have any idea what it's like to have free time and energy to do things like this? If you're not in that phase of life right now, where you can find time to do much just for fun, you're welcome to peruse my albums and live vicariously through my very adventurous and exciting hobby of scrapbooking. :)
Since I have such a simple scrapbook style, I'm able to accomplish a large volume of work in a small amount of time, which means that once I finish all these books, I'll have to start some new side scrapbook projects! I have lots of ideas, including a relatives album where I do a page about each of my grandparents and other extended family members, maybe a book about Mike's and my story, a book about my career and the steps that led me to what I'm doing now, and more. But before I start any of these, maybe it will be growing season again, and it will be time to get out into the garden! I've already started the list of projects I want to accomplish out there!