Just a quick post, since I took a few pictures tonight-- after the sun had set so they're extra blurry. It was just a quick run out to the garden at bedtime, and decided to grab a few peas to eat tomorrow while I was out there. Prior to now, there has been a decent harvest, but not of the things I've been really waiting for. Now, we have some of the special things ready to pick! Tonight was the first raspberry harvest. We've been getting some strawberries for about a week, and Mike could have sold some at the farmer's market, but was waiting to make sure he had enough for the CSA boxes. And, he just informed me tonight that the zinnias are getting petals, and there will be zucchini ready tomorrow. I've also been happy with the lettuce harvest so far-- so night to be able to run out to grab some to make a BLT! Although for the lettuce, I have my own little kitchen garden right off the deck, so I don't have to run all the way out to the garden, which isn't much farther, but makes a difference when you're watching little kids and there's bacon in the oven!
snap peas |
zucchini |
strawberries |
zinnia! |
The temps have been in the 80s every day, sometimes higher, so all thoughts of frosts and freezes are gone, although they were here not very long ago! We haven't been in the garden very much the last few days; it's been hot, a few of us have colds, and we all have at least some chigger bites. We have been enjoying one of the best parts of this time of year, when it's actually warm in the evenings, and the lightning bugs are out, and it's so serene with the nighttime noises. Beautiful summer nights!