We took a trip in mid-July for a week, and when we returned, it was exciting to see how plants were spreading to fill in the area around them. It's something you think about when you put them in the ground, how far the spacing should be between two plants. Even when you've grown something before, this time of year can be surprising with just how faithfully those tiny seedlings can fill up their allotted space! The best surprise was the area of squash (or was it pumpkins? can't remember what they all are), that are filling in my little part of the food garden. So, when you don't have time or energy to get around to planting all that you wanted to, come the end of July, you just might be surprised that you didn't need the other plants so much after all!

For a long time I didn't know what to do with this narrow, south-facing strip on the front of the house, but I finally decided to plant some vinca annuals given the hot location. They LOVE it, and I never dreamed they would have filled in this much area!
These impatiens have filled in even more here now, but I'm too lazy to go get that picture. These have done well, too! One of my few shady areas.
This corner is under construction. I've finally decided to throw in some perennials that I already have around the house. I think it will be nice. This daylily didn't end up in quite the spot I wanted, but I didn't feel up to moving it after I planted it. Oh well, it will probably fill in!
Bouquet Time

And finally, here are a few recent bouquets. Love this time of year for bouquets. The summer flowers are all blooming, so I can put vases in every room of the house if I want!