Sunday, October 9, 2016


We had our first frost last night. I haven't been posting updates lately, but this is one I had to record. Here are some photos this morning before it all melted and some of the more sensitive plants started to wither. 

And check out what Mike finished in time to enjoy the Fall weather:

That's a cool new front deck, which kind of looks like a boardwalk. But hey, if you're going to DIY something, might as well make it big enough to really enjoy! I might put a couple big pots and a bench out there someday. It's a perfect place to sit and look over my garden. :) 


About Me

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I'm a flower enthusiast married to a man with organic farming dreams. We're enjoying developing our own outdoor paradise in our first home, with 3 little gardening girls by our side. When not spending my free time gardening, I'm recording our memories in my pocket page scrapbooks.