I think I have wanted my own flower garden for so long. That's probably why I've been annoying everyone within earshot about how cool it is to have crocuses and TULIPS growing in my yard! For those who think it's still too chilly to really be called Spring, take a look at this evidence that Spring has most definitely sprung!!

tiny irises popping up through the leaves

crocuses and tulips, boxwood and a hyacinth-like blue flower

giant crocuses, too beautiful for words after a long winter

The full garden-- Mike put up the mulch border for me today! Got to dig out the grass and finish mulching. Click on the pic if you want to see it bigger.

another view

me doing a little post-call digging, aka, desperately trying to soak up the sunshine before falling into bed after 30 hours at work
And here is some of my indoor excitement:

the bulbs I forced indoors sunning themselves on a warm day

one of my many daffodils, just starting to bloom

a patchwork of plant starts, with dahlias that I grew from SEED already in 3 inch POTS.
I'm looking forward to a great growing season!
Nice work, Dot! I love that potted patchwork photo.