Friday, April 30, 2010

Garden guest

We had a surprise guest stop by our garden today. Stayed awhile to take a nap out of the rain.

On our roof.

Here's a close up of him sleeping, after rudely ripping off a piece of our siding.


Here's what's blooming now:

big irises

lily of the valley

enough little flowers to make a mini bouquet

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, you so don't want racoons accessing your attic!! Love the big irises. Mine have finally started to bloom too. Beautiful white ones. I'll try ot get a pic and soon.



About Me

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I'm a flower enthusiast married to a man with organic farming dreams. We're enjoying developing our own outdoor paradise in our first home, with 3 little gardening girls by our side. When not spending my free time gardening, I'm recording our memories in my pocket page scrapbooks.