The front door garden is a design mess. I've removed a hosta and the mums, and I think I'll take that last hosta out, and replace them with some of these fine new perennials. I spent no less than an hour browsing through a few shelves of sunny perennials at Earl May, picking all those that just felt right. I felt a little silly bringing home, you know, one of everything, but you can't know what you love until you try them all!

My side-of-the garage garden still needs help, too, but I'm pretty optimistic since the emergence of an orange daylily. It just kind of ties things together... it looks like it's going to become an orange and pink theme, which actually looks pretty cohesive and nice. I just have to throw in a couple more perennials and move some things around. And I'm cautiously optimistic about the blanket flower and coreopsis that I moved to the front. I think they'll look great, once they get over that you-shouldn't-have-moved-me-now-I'm-going-to-wilt shock.

Mike's vegetable garden is doing well. The strawberry cages are very snazzy, although a cardinal somehow got stuck inside one-- he was unharmed. Our pepper and nasturtium planter has some baby peppers and a few nasturtium flowers.

Other Pretty Stuff
all of which I started from seed
all of which I started from seed
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