My blogging has migrated outside once again! Thank you, warm April weather. Here is the view from where I'm blogging:

That gorgeous orange blossomed Ranunculus is a new purchase from Lowes today. I have no idea if the plants they have out really can tolerate our current weather, or if they're just preying on Spring Fever to sell a few pretty things.

But Ranculus likes cold weather, so I'm optimistic. I also got a creeping phlox, which I've been wanting for awhile for in front of our bedroom window, where we can't really plant anything tall. Here it's pictured with the tulips:

I also got this clove-scented dianthus. I'm picturing that it will balance out the white mum on the other side of the garden:

More flowers:

open afternoon tulips

closed evening tulips

pansies around the mailbox
Sorry, Fall. Spring is now my favorite.
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