So here's Mike uncovering the strawberries; the 2nd pic are his rows of garlic planted late last Fall.

And here's a carrot that made it through the winter. We had this with dinner tonight.

In my flower garden I had tons of leaves leftover from Fall, partially because I was too busy to clean them up, and partially because I wanted them to protect Spring bulbs from bunnies!

There were a lot of little yellow bulb sprouts hoping for some sunshine, so I'm glad that I dug them out!

Look at all this stuff already growing:

And there were a couple plants that were still COMPLETELY GREEN and happy hanging out under the leaves. I do not understand how they did this!

I was also interested to see the snapdragons have bits of green on them. They never completely died out. Should be fun to see what they look like this year.
So the best part of the day? Gotta love the millions of pictures of not much garden goodness, but it's just so exciting when you see your FIRST FLOWERBUDS of the year!! Below are a white and yellow crocus bud, hard evidence that Spring is on its way!

I went out and walked our yard tonight. We've got tulips and columbine greening up,as well as mums and irises popping up. And rose of sharon buds are coming onto the branches the deer haven't munched on yet. Spring is so close!