Saturday, September 28, 2013

Autumn Wonderful

 Happy Fall. Two weekends in a row of wonderful Fall weather. Last weekend was perfect, warm temperatures. We bought some bulbs, apples, and cider, and I planted some of the bulbs during the baby's naptime. Today we are having a perfect rainy day. Mike is putting down hardwood floors in my closet. Yes, my closet. We figured it was a good place to try his floor-laying skills before committing to doing the whole living room and kitchen.

I'm so thankful he is so talented at woodworking and handy kinds of things. Here he is building a new railing:

 It turned out really well. What I don't understand, is how he can have so many tools, but still needs a couple more "essential" tools for every new project. I don't see how there can be that many more essential tools left that he doesn't have! But at least he can't mind the very few scrapbooking tools I have. :)

a few tools

homemade router table

homemade little work stand

So while he works on the floor and the baby naps, I figured I'd put up a few pictures of this year's harvest. I looked back on my last couple of posts, and I put some pics up twice. Sorry about that. Clearly, blogging my garden is not a priority in my life right now!  I'm lucky if I even have time to garden. But I enjoy keeping track so I can remember how things went. So, here are a few pics:

green things

wild grapes- he turned these into jelly


tomatoes and mint

tomatoes- he canned a little salsa this year

strawberries- we got enough to freeze a few

perennial garden before we weeded it
perennial garden after mulching; Mike has since put in the border for it

Overall, the vegetable garden became a weed garden, but he and I are making plans how to make it more successful, and more our garden next year, since I want to have a say in how it's laid out, what the permanent fence looks like, etc. Hopefully we'll have a little more time now that things are getting settled in our home here. And I'm continuing to work on turning my little perennial garden into something beautiful.

Despite all the weeds, we're happy to have had the harvest that we did!

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About Me

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I'm a flower enthusiast married to a man with organic farming dreams. We're enjoying developing our own outdoor paradise in our first home, with 3 little gardening girls by our side. When not spending my free time gardening, I'm recording our memories in my pocket page scrapbooks.