Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Filling the Garden

It's now getting warm enough to leave the super frost sensitive plants out overnight, but not yet past the last chance of frost. I'm finding this a great time to get deals on perennials, and check things off my garden wishlist. A few of the things I've picked up:


bleeding heart

chinese delphiniums


 I'm really pushing the limit by putting some of my new plants in a full sun location, but I only have a full sun garden right now, and you just don't know how a plant will fare until you put it to the test! The columbines are one of Mike's favorites, and these particular columbines are so tall and impressive (you can't tell from the pic), that a couple ladies stopped by to admire them while Mike loaded them into the car at the garden center. We'll see how they do!

Other pics from today:

Mike is making progress on his garden fence, making the garden larger and putting in a more permanent enclosure this year. The UPS guy commented today that the garden looks a little ambitious; we'll see if Mike can find enough wood chips to prevent it from becoming a fenced-off plot of weeds!

Whether this year is a very successful garden year or not, Mike is knowledgeable, dedicated, and passionate about his gardening, and eventually he will have enviable garden success!


  1. I wish I had a little garden helper. :) Your Daffodils are just so pretty. What a wonderful big garden. I am sure you will have no problem filling it up.

  2. We can hardly wait to see it first-hand. It's all taking shape nicely



About Me

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I'm a flower enthusiast married to a man with organic farming dreams. We're enjoying developing our own outdoor paradise in our first home, with 3 little gardening girls by our side. When not spending my free time gardening, I'm recording our memories in my pocket page scrapbooks.