March started off beautifully, then it snowed and froze, and today the last of that snow washed away with rain, and it was a nice, warm, grey afternoon to be outdoors.
when the crocuses first bloomed this month |
after the snow |
this week |
Mike has little plants sprouting under grow lights and in trays outside. He and I both put in a nice order at
Baker Creek Seeds, and I got a lot of flowers that I am excited about, except there is now no room under the grow lights... guess some will have to wait to be planted outside after the last frost!
Mike planted some lettuce seedlings in the garden, has been spreading compost, and put netting over his raised bed of strawberries and onions, since the critters keep trying to eat his stuff. And here are his mushroom logs:
mushroom logs |
shiitakes growing today |
So there's a little update. The grass is lush and green now, and I even heard a lawn mower or two this week. Welcome, Spring!
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