It's time to document what's in bloom now. Today was our first very warm day, from what I can remember. I was walking in the evening, a warm breeze came up, and I realized I was wearing shorts and a t shirt and was completely comfortable. Yay! This evening we sat outside on the deck while June bugs buzzed around us, bats flew overhead, and frogs sang their Spring songs.
The crabapples are fading and the lilacs have just now opened. Beautiful scents are in the air! Phlox are blooming and a few tulips are still open. We are in that perfect window of time where the weeds still seem almost manageable, and we are just now able to plant the "after the last frost" stuff, so we're not behind in planting! Today, my oldest daughter and I even planted sunflower seeds in what I am calling the childrens' garden this year. A good start to the gardening season so far!

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