I can't believe how hard it is to get five fruits and vegetables in every day, even when you grow them yourself! We've got
plenty of peppers and tomatoes.

pepper planter

one day's harvest

super colorful produce

homegrown green beans and onions
with salmon

homegrown tomatoes and basil
with mozzarella

all that beautiful produce,
and guess how long it took to eat these no bake cookies
compared to the veggies?...
A couple other fun gardening pics:

my mailbox flowers

from a series I call
"gardening in my pajamas"
Man, gardening in your pajama's is the bomb!! This produce looks sooooo good! it looks like lots of canning and/or freezing is in order and stat!! Hmmm, wonder what I'll be getting for Christmas this year..???? ha ha!! Love you both!