Saturday, August 21, 2010

Eating Out is Obsolete

when you have all these homegrown
to eat!

Shots of the garden

what's for supper tonight?

pole beans
not ripe yet

watermelon starting to take over

Can't believe with all this space, that we feel we need even more. A watermelon garden, a pumpkin garden, a dry bean garden, a green bean garden, a pepper garden, a tomato garden... Maybe we see a farm in our future?

slicing a pineapple tomato
low yield from this plant, but great sweet taste

We're definitely making our list for which varieties to grow again next year!


the roses are rebounding despite Japanese beetle invasion

magic lilies

mums starting to bloom
planted these in the ground last Fall
got a bunch for cheap at Menards
SOOO much bigger this year
wish I had an out-of-the-way nursery area
for these to grow during the summer

50 cent begonias from the farmer's market
fantastic centerpiece
the ones planted in the ground didn't do as well

I'm starting to think these begonias would look pretty planted next to the peppers... a decorative vegetable garden could be really fun...


  1. I so agree, flowers and veggies side by side make for an interesting textural garden!! LOVE the mums! Isn't it great getting them dirt cheap and watching them become expesive plants!!

    Looks good. Cant wait to see it all in person...soon!

  2. Pepper picture #2 from left to right: Bell, Chervena Chuska (highly recommended), Bulgarian Carrot, Zavory (mild habanera), Hot Lemon (smokey flavor), Jalapeno, Fatalii (One of the hottest in the world!)



About Me

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I'm a flower enthusiast married to a man with organic farming dreams. We're enjoying developing our own outdoor paradise in our first home, with 3 little gardening girls by our side. When not spending my free time gardening, I'm recording our memories in my pocket page scrapbooks.